H2 Global Group: hydrogen innovations from the Czech Republic heading to global markets

H2 Global Group will attend a prestigious international conference in March 2025 focused on investment and innovation in MedTech and HealthTech. “We will be presenting our comprehensive hydrogen solutions to investors. We will present our unique approach to the use of molecular hydrogen in modern medicine of the future,” says H2 Global Group CEO Viktória Procházková. Participation in the conference is the result of years of research, development of innovative technologies and a new strategy of consolidating funding from retail to strategic investors.

Confidence, innovation and global reach
H2 Global Group will attend the prestigious LSI USA ’25 conference in Dana Point, California in March 2025. “This conference is one of the most important global events focused on investment and innovation in medical technology. We will present our comprehensive hydrogen solutions to investors. We will present our unique approach to the use of molecular hydrogen in the modern medicine of the future. Our aim is to take this vision beyond the borders of the Czech Republic,” explains Viktória Procházková, CEO of H2 Global Group. The event will welcome over 1,500 investors, strategic partners and innovators from around the world.

The Ostrava-based company ranks among global MedTech companies and through its own research, development and production offers complete hydrogen solutions – from hydrogen generators, to bottled hydrogen water, to dietary supplements and cosmetics with unique formulations. H2 Global Group is also the technological provider of all scientific research in the field of molecular hydrogen and its use in the spa industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

“Christmas surprise” for investors
At its recent meeting, the company’s board of directors approved the early payment of funds from the bond issue, which expires on 31 December 2024, two weeks earlier, i.e. before Christmas. The company has thus successfully settled its second issue of the year with a total amount of CZK 63 million. Now the company is ready for further projects that will be directed towards health care through innovative technologies.

“At H2, we are on a mission to be the creator of the medicine of the future. We have undergone dynamic developments this year 2024, one of the most important of which was the decision to focus fully on MedTech and HealthTech,” says H2 Global Group President David Marshalek. Beyond that, there has been a strengthening of management positions, as well as a decision to gradually change the way of financing from retail investors to strategic partners.

“Our ever-growing hydrogen retail investor community is behind the company’s success to date, and for that we are truly grateful. The opportunity for retail investors to invest in the approved CNB bond prospectus will remain open,” says Molecular HydroGEN Investment Group CEO Martin Frais. “I am myself very pleasantly surprised by the way more and more people are taking a responsible approach to their health. And basically the impact of where they invest their money and how it affects not only their future, but also the future of society as a whole,” adds David Maršálek.
“We thank our investors for their cooperation, which allows us to shape the future of innovation in the field of health-enhancing hydrogen technologies together. We wish everyone a peaceful holiday season and look forward to further cooperation in 2025,” concludes Martin Frais.

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