SPA & Wellness

We offer the opportunity to enrich your spa treatments with innovative hydrogen technologies that become an ideal complement to traditional therapies. Molecular hydrogen supports the regeneration and recovery of your clients.

Our hydrogen treatments provide additional support during treatment without replacing it. Molecular hydrogen acts as an effective antioxidant, aiding cell renewal and reducing oxidative stress – a key factor in regeneration and healing.

Hydrogen treatments therefore effectively complement the treatment plan and support the natural healing process.

Hydrogen procedure appliaction

Cardiovascular support

Hydrogen inhalation helps relieve breathing difficulties, especially in cardiac patients
and smokers.

Joint pain relief

Clients with movement problems may appreciate improved mobility and reduced pain.

Energy gain and fatigue relief

Hydrogen acts as a natural energizer that facilitates the rehabilitation process and improves overall vitality.

“Dr. Peták Sanatorium has its natural resources, which it supplements and strengthens with Molecular Hydrogen®, which is one of the four elementary bioelements that make up all living things – carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. The dominant role for the energy source is not oxygen, but hydrogen. Molecular Hydrogen® is the basic elemental bio element that is able to help the body. It is not a drug, it is a helper of the living organism that even with conventional medicine will enhance the effect of drugs that are used for various diseases. It enters all cells, metabolic processes, up to the nucleus of the cells, the mitochondria, where it affects tissue respiration. This element has been studied by American and Japanese experts for more than 30 years.”

MUDr. Josef Peták
Vícepresident of SPA segment


Higher standard of client care 

Our hydrogen solutions raise the standard of care for clients and bring modern, advanced technology.

More effective rehabilitation

Hydrogen as an adjunct to treatment helps to speed up the onset of the effects of rehabilitation, which is beneficial for both clients and the efficiency of your operation.

Economic benefit

The introduction of hydrogen treatments allows the spa to expand its portfolio and increase its attractiveness to new potential customers.

Technological and natural fusion

Our solutions respect traditional spa values while using the body’s natural principles for recovery.


S vodíkem proti obezitě u dětí

S vodíkem proti obezitě u dětí

V Léčebných Lázních Bludov započal unikátní výzkum, který zkoumá vliv molekulárního vodíku na hubnutí u obézních dětí. Tento inovativní přístup, realizovaný ve spolupráci s Fakultou tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého a H2 Global Group, by mohl přinést revoluci v...

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Propojení zdraví, pohybu a inovací s vodíkem

Propojení zdraví, pohybu a inovací s vodíkem

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