Former national athlete and current director and coach of the Ostrava Individual Sports Centre Tatiana Netoličková is a fan of hydrogen technology. That is why she recommends H2 Health&Beauty products to her charges, because she wants the best not only for their performance, but especially for their recovery and as injury prevention.

You are the director of the Individual Sports Centre Ostrava. Could you introduce the centre, who it is for and how it works?
I have been the director of CISO for 17 years. I try to help out in training as well. We include in our centre representatives from our region, not only athletes, but we have 26 sports included, including disabled athletes. We currently have 80 athletes with us, looked after by 50 coaches. Without the financial support of the region, the City of Ostrava and regional sponsors, including H2 Global Group, we would not be able to function and we are grateful to all of them.

You prepare young promising athletes. How does the athletic training of today’s talents differ from yours when you were competing?
This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because each of the 26 sports has a specific preparation, and in athletics in particular, not everyone trains according to one standard, it is strictly individual. I just think that some coaches lack a bit of patience, they want to have successful charges too early and train a lot at an early age.

How’s today’s preparation looking? Apart from training, does it include, for example, physiotherapy or some psychological hygiene of athletes, do you also deal with the diet and lifestyle of your charges?
Yes, we try to keep them healthy first and foremost, we insist on annual stress tests at the Sports Medicine Department, where they take care of our “sheep” (laughs). Many of them have already learned to deal with healthy nutrition on their own, they understand that they can’t do without it and it affects their performance a lot. We have guided some of them to this through the seminars we also organize in our camps. Of course, recovery, mental coach, supplementation… these are things that we can’t imagine the training process without nowadays.

You and CISO athletes use products with molecular hydrogen. How do you evaluate its effects?
The molecular hydrogen from H2 Health&Beauty products has been used by CISO athletes for several years because it is beneficial for their demanding training. These exceptional products reach all parts of the body as an antioxidant, eliminate fatigue, break down lactic acid after a hard workout and help the body recover faster. But it is there for us especially as a preventive element, it protects the athletes’ body from injury, so they can perform at their best and can fulfil their dreams.

You and CISO athletes use products with molecular hydrogen. How do you evaluate its effects?
The molecular hydrogen from H2 Health&Beauty products has been used by CISO athletes for several years because it is beneficial for their demanding training. These exceptional products reach all parts of the body as an antioxidant, eliminate fatigue, break down lactic acid after a hard workout and help the body recover faster. But it is there for us especially as a preventive element, it protects the athletes’ body from injury, so they can perform at their best and can fulfil their dreams.
